List of The Bill characters (M-P)

This is a list of characters from the police drama The Bill ordered alphabetically by character surname. For a full list of characters ordered by rank, see list of The Bill characters. The characters are all police officers or civilian staff at the fictional Sun Hill police station in London.

Character Index: List by Rank   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z    References 


John Maitland

John Maitland
First appearance Grief (1/1/1991)
Last appearance Fast Food (25/05/1993)
Portrayed by Sam Miller
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant

Sergeant John Maitland arrived at Sun Hill under a bit of a cloud. At his previous North London station this young sergeant had shopped two traffic cops for drinking on duty. No one could argue that he didn't do the right thing by the book, but the incident left a nasty taste. Sun Hill looked at him more kindly when Ted Roach was attacked by a gang of thugs. Maitland waded in to help, and from then on was respected as a sergeant who led from the front. He was also seen as a career officer with ambition. John was good at dealing with the public, but not always a diplomat when telling older and more experienced officers what to do. Despite being a solid, dependable officer, however, he never topped any popularity charts, being humourless and insistent on doing everything by the book. He left Sun Hill to take up a teaching post at Hendon.

Guy Mannion

Ch. Supt Guy Mannion
First appearance Tinderbox (18/05/99)
Last appearance Sacrifice (26/10/01)
Portrayed by Nick Miles
Occupation Borough Commander
Title Chief Superintendent

Chief Superintendent Mannion originally introduced as the officer in charge of Sun Hills neighbouring station Barton Street. He later went on to become the Borough Commander and played an instrumental part in the removal of Chief Supt. Brownlow following the Don Beech Scandal.

Neil Manson

Neil Manson
First appearance Episode 178 (24/12/03)
Last appearance Respect (part 2) (Series End) (31/08/10)
Portrayed by Andrew Lancel
Occupation Detective
Title Detective Inspector
Children Jake Manson
(son, with Phillipa)

After serving as Acting Detective Inspector for eighteen months, DS Nixon is devastated when she is informed that she is to be demoted to Detective Sergeant and that a new Detective Inspector is to be appointed.

Manson is no stranger to controversy and his personal life seems to be the one thing that can make or break his career. His swift rise through the ranks initially seems to his new team at Sun Hill largely thanks to his connections: his father-in-law is Deputy Assistant Commissioner Roy Pearson. An ambitious DI, Manson seeks to discredit DCI Meadows where possible, and quickly becomes unpopular with his exacting requirements and seemingly sexist attitudes. He also earns the enmity of DS Ramani DeCosta and DC Terry Perkins when he constantly reassigns officers away from CSU and PPU. Unhappy with Manson, DC Eva Sharpe digs into his background in an attempt to find any black marks against his name, but is unable to find any evidence of wrongdoing. DCI Meadows, however, hears a rumour that Manson's father-in-law uses rent-boys, and tells Eva. Eva confronts Neil, who is obviously taken aback at the allegation, and goes to confront his father-in-law. DAC Pearson tells him that the rumour is groundless. Angry at the interference into his personal life, Manson organises to have Eva reassigned, blackmailing DCI Meadows over his relationship with a prostitute.

Manson gains many collars and much credit for using information provided to him by DS Don Beech, the detective who puppy-walked him in CID. Beech, turned supergrass, makes a deal to get himself transferred to another jail as a reward for information. DS Hunter and DI Manson accompany Beech, but he subsequently escapes after holding a gun to their heads, putting a question-mark on Neil's integrity. Neil's year goes from bad to worse when it is revealed that his father-in-law did, in fact, use rent-boys. Feeling betrayed, Neil forces Roy's resignation, and Roy leaves the country to resettle in Spain. He has a relationship with PC Andrea Dunbar, and was about to leave his wife Philippa for her when he realised she was an undercover journalist. Despite this, he agrees to give them a chance but she is killed in the second Sun Hill fire. Superintendent Adam Okaro discovers that Neil had been having an affair with Andrea, and asks Neil to take time off to get over her death. His wife Philippa learns about Neil's affair from DS Phil Hunter, who was the only other person aware of the affair at Sun Hill.

While on leave after Andrea's death, Neil comes under investigation by the NCS team which now-DS Mickey Webb is part of. Mickey tells Jack Meadows of Neil's affair with Andrea. Neil discovers a bug in his smoke alarm after burning dinner, and decides to go into Sun Hill to discover whether the bug was planted by the police or somebody else. He is not told anything, but Jack learns that the NCS are investigating whether Neil is influencing a witness in a major money-laundering trial who is a client of his wife, Philippa. This woman is a key witness in a case, and the NCS team have evidence of Neil meeting with her. Neil tells Jack that he met with the witness because the witness was afraid for her life. An informant of Neil rings him and asks to meet with him regarding the witness and the trial. Neil agrees, going to the meeting place and waking up covered in blood next to the body of his informant. Jack arrests him for murder.

Neil convinces Jack to help him prove that there is a mole in NCS. Along with DC Suzie Sim and DS Phil Hunter, Jack investigates the case, at one point even placing Mickey under suspicion. Neil agrees to put himself at risk, calling the DPS and telling them he has information on a mole inside the NCS in an attempt to draw the mole out. The DPS then attempt to transfer Neil to another prison, and he is nearly kidnapped on route. This kidnap attempt is thwarted by a swift intervention of Trojan officers, led by Jack. Jack, Neil, Suzie and Phil prove his innocence and reveal that the mole in NCS was actually Mickey's fiancee. After being bailed, Neil goes home and attempts to reconcile with Phillipa, telling her that he wants them to have a better relationship with the warmth and affection he shared with Andrea. Phillipa rebuffs him, telling him that he needs to decide whether to settle for the relationship they have or walk out on them completely. Neil decides to he won't settle for their relationship and returns to work.

After Superintendent Adam Okaro takes leave, Neil expects to be promoted to Acting DCI. However, Jack is suspicious of the nature of Neil's relationship with DC Suzie Sim. Neil and Suzie had previously worked together, and were shown to be close friends with Neil confiding in Suzie about his marriage, telling her that he and Phillipa were trying to give it another go as neither wanted to end their marriage. Suzie tells him that he can count on her as a friend, and they share a friendly kiss which Jack witnesses. Pulling Neil up on his behaviour, Jack accuses him of being a womaniser, but is left with little choice but to promote him to Acting DCI anyway.

When his wife, a barrister, is assaulted in court, Neil immediately rushes to hospital to support her. She is grateful for his support, but refuses to press charges against the man who assaulted her, Toby Crawford. Toby had accused Phillipa's client Gavin Sullivan of pimping him, and had been upset when Phillipa secured a verdict of not-guilty. Returning to Sun Hill, Neil is swayed by DC Suzie Sim and DC Jo Masters who persuade him to pursue the case against Toby already, especially in light of a break in at Gavin's flat. However, Jo and Suzie's investigation discovers that DAC Pearson is back in the country, meeting first with Gavin and then with Phillipa. Neil confronts Phillipa, who tells him that she had no choice in defending Gavin and was not aware her father was in the country but that she knew he was coming. Frustrated at being lied to, Neil is on the verge of walking out when Phillipa relents and tells him she defended Gavin because he was blackmailing her father with a video tape. Certain that this tape shows Roy with an underage rent boy, Neil confronts his father-in-law. The two exchange angry words, and Neil is goaded into punching and telling Roy that he knows about and is looking for the tape. Neil returns to the station to find that Jo and Suzie had found the tape which confirms his suspicions that Roy used under-age boys. Neil then learns that Roy had gone to Gavin's flat in an attempt to recover the tape and was stabbed. Phillipa, unaware of the tape's contents, is devastated when Roy later dies but is grateful for Neil's support. Given that Gavin was going to go to trial for Roy's death, Jo convinces Neil to tell Phillipa what had happened, which he does. She lashes out at him and blames him for her father's death. Assaulting him in front of the shocked relief, she flees to Spain with their five year old son Jake. Superintendent Prosser agrees to Neil's request not to go on leave, instead seconding him to MIT.

While at MIT, Neil is contacted by dying convict Vince Parker. Vince Parker, serving a twenty year sentence for armed robbery claims that he was responsible for a murder and he bribed Meadows and Price to lose the evidence. According to him, Jack demanded more money and when Vince refused they framed him for armed robbery. Neil investigates this allegation along with DCI Frank Keane from the DPS. It emerges that Dougie planted the evidence for the armed robbery on Vince because he had had an affair with Vince's wife and was the father of the son that Vince had raised as his own. Jack, however did have one minor true role in Vince Parker's allegations, he withheld a witness statement which provided Vince with an alibi. Neil discovers this old witness statement, signed by Jack, giving him the chance to have Jack fired and himself promoted. Manson, after some deliberation, tears up the witness statement and tells Jack that "some things are more important than the job."

Neil becomes heavily involved in an investigation into the disappearance of seven-year-old Amy Tennant after school one day. As SIO, Neil also takes over from Suzie as the FLO, becoming close to Amy's father James in the process. When faced with the issue of telling James that resources need to be allocated elsewhere, Neil experiences a taste of James' agony when his own son, Jake, goes missing. After Jake is found, Neil promises James that he won't stop looking and that he'll stay on the case instead of reassigning it as he was intending to do. Amy is missing for a year, during which time it becomes evident that James depends on Neil to get through this period without his daughter, and Neil becomes more and more emotionally involved. At the one year anniversary, new leads give Neil and the recently promoted DI Samantha Nixon the clues to find Amy and return her to James. This investigation clearly has a huge impact on Neil, forcing him to consider the victims more closely than his crime rates. Later, Neil becomes involved in a disturbing case involving a child killer. Seeing the effect the case had on Neil, Jack suggests that he take some time off to see his son. Neil agrees, and takes a three month sabbatical with Jake in Spain. Returning, he confides in DC Stevie Moss that he was "less than successful" with Jake.

While initially filled with a burning ambition and disregard for victims of crime, the personal crises Neil experiences while at Sun Hill noticeably mellow him out, although he remains close-lipped and emotionally repressed; described by Jo Masters as 'po-faced' and Stevie Moss as 'grumpy'. Despite his taciturn nature, his team gradually discover that behind the stony exterior, Neil is a quirky individual; Grace Dasari discovers he was a teenage raver in the late 80s while Stevie Moss discovers his fondness for magical tricks. While poor himself at dealing with emotions and other people, Manson is shown to be a canny detective who is very good at reading other people. Neil's lack of a life outside the job following his divorce is also remarked upon by his colleagues. Still, his fair and firm management style, while often humourless and strict gain him the respect of his subordinates. It becomes clear that he develops strong, mutually supportive relationships with Inspector Gina Gold and Inspector Dale Smith who eventually succeeds Gina as Inspector. Despite the initial friction between them, it is also clear that he and Superintendent Jack Meadows have a high level of mutual trust and respect and are on friendly terms. Neil has a particularly close rapport with DC Grace Dasari, a friendship that is speculated to deepen after his son Jake is diagnosed with leukaemia in April 2010. When Grace is in danger from kidnappers in an undercover operation, Neil pulls the team out. Later, he asks Grace on a date, and Grace accepts. She tells him their dating is weird, but good weird. He and Grace try to keep their romance a secret but it is later discovered by DS Max Carter who informs the whole team. Later, he tells Grace that he loves her.

Cathy Marshall

Cathy Marshall
First appearance A Quiet Life (20/06/1989)
Last appearance Judgement Call (19/01/1996)
Portrayed by Lynne Miller
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Crisp WPC Cathy Marshall was one of the brightest women at Sun Hill. At times she seemed also one of the bossiest - but that was just because she was neat, prepared, raring to go and couldn't understand those who weren't. She had passed her sergeant's exams and was often 'acting' sergeant. When there were visiting officers to order about, Cathy had fun.

She arrived at Sun Hill to work as the Collator (in what's now called the LIO), looking after all the files and records. She thought it was time for a more peaceful life, with only her brain getting tired by the end of the shift. After all, she'd been pounding the pavements for several years and she'd seen her share of excitement. She came with a brand-new commendation for single-handedly arresting an armed robber, and her colleagues knew that she was more than a filing clerk.

Cathy had been married for ten years to a CID officer and he'd beaten her up (there's a high rate of domestic violence among serving police officers, especially those doing stressful work). She confessed this to Viv Martella, a close friend and confidante. At one point, he returned to see Cathy to try to persuade her that they could patch up their differences, but he soon showed his true colours, and she sent him packing. For this reason probably, her attitude to her colleagues was a bit cynical, but she never lost her sense of humour. She soon tired of sorting the files, regular hours or no regular hours. A spell in the Domestic Violence Unit - during which time she helped the abused wife of her own doctor, a man she had consulted when she'd been abused in this way herself - didn't really suit her, either. She asked to return to the beat, and Inspector Monroe reluctantly agreed. He couldn't stop her - Cathy Marshall liked it out there.

Tragically, Cathy drowned in mysterious circumstances whilst chasing a suspect.

Viv Martella

Viv Martella
First appearance Funny Ol’ Business – Cops and Robbers (16/10/1984)
Last appearance The Short Straw (26/03/1993)
Portrayed by Nula Conwell
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable

Viv Martella joined Sun Hill as a uniformed officer, an attractive dark-haired, dark-eyed girl with an Italian grandfather, a sharp cockney mouth and a determination not to get swamped in a male-dominated world. She never did. She shrugged off the chauvinism she found round every corner, and resisted all prying male attempts to find out about her love-life. She found a way of turning down the chat-ups with a smile and a witty word that didn't leave the up-chatters feeling too knocked-back. ('Not while there's a phone-book!' she told Roach when he suggested a date.) There were plenty of chatters. Burnside had a go, so did staid Sergeant Penny, so did Reg Hollis if you'll believe it, and so did Lennie Powell, a villain-turned grass Viv had to guard in a safe house one night. Viv always had a civvy boyfriend on the go - nothing too heavy - but she was determined that she wouldn't get involved with anyone in the Job. The only time she came close was when charming DS Hooper arrived at Sun Hill. Viv fancied him and was stunned when he turned out to be a divorced wife-beater, once married to another woman officer. What did happen was that DC Tosh Lines became a close friend. She felt she could talk to Tosh unofficially, and more than once he cried on her shoulder - or came as close as Tosh could ever get to crying.

CID took to using Viv Martella every time they needed a woman to work undercover, and after a time her title changed from WPC to WDC. It didn't start too well, her career as a detective. She'd bought herself a stunning new suit - hardly plain clothes and she was sent out on her first job to pick up a prostitute needed as a witness. The girl gave Viv the slip a couple of times and was only finally caught after an exhausting chase, during which Viv fell over and tore her new outfit. She arrived back at Sun Hill triumphant but dishevelled, and reacted angrily when the male CID establishment laughed at her scarecrow appearance and told her the girl she'd brought in was no longer needed. But they praised her, too. She'd become, said Burnside, 'one of the boys'.

When she joined up Viv Martella saw the Job as just a job. She wasn't ambitious, she didn't have a burning social conscience, she just thought it would be an interesting life. But as she got involved in police work Viv began to care more and more about the victims and sometimes about the villains, too. Her generous heart was easily touched by a hard-luck story, and other officers sometimes accused her of being too soft on criminals. At the same time her quick temper with a wife-beater or a child-molester or a rapist sometimes made her blow an interview because she couldn't keep her cool. But that was Viv, a girl who cared and who couldn't always stop it showing. She applied for a position in the Bermuda police force on one occasion, but after being punched during a fight, then failing to prevent a suicide jumper, felt she wasn't up to the job and withdrew the application.A girl, too, who was always willing to have a go. When Sun Hill was challenged to a football match with a local youth team, Viv went in goal. She let in five, and Sun Hill lost, of course. She didn't care. She'd done her best.

Tragically, Viv was shot dead in the line of duty when she carried out a traffic stop on a van without realising the occupants included a wanted gunman. For the station her death was a tragedy. For PC Tony Stamp, himself wounded in the same incident, it was a trauma so deep it took him months to get over it. Sun Hill conducted its own bitter inquest into how Viv, a girl everyone loved, was allowed to approach a vehicle unarmed when it was strongly suspected that the thieves inside had guns. That day, Sun Hill lost of one of its liveliest characters.

Jo Masters

Jo Masters
First appearance Episode # 275 (05/01/05)
Last appearance Respect (part 2) (Series End) (31/08/10)
Portrayed by Sally Rogers
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant

Sergeant 46 Joanne 'Jo' Masters, portrayed by Sally Rogers, is a fictional character in the police drama The Bill. She arrived in January 2005, and is currently the longest serving female officer at Sun Hill.

Jo was initially recruited as a Detective Constable by Adam Okaro (Cyril Nri), who was Sun Hill's Superintendent from 2002 until 2006. Okaro had plans for her to defuse the tension between CID heads Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) and young pretender DI Neil Manson (Andrew Lancel). It was immediately clear that Jo had sustained somewhat of an infamous reputation at her previous stations, partially because her former senior officer could not abide her. A capable detective with several years' experience, Jo had her chance to shine almost instantly when both her superiors were caught up in a hostage situation, and being that she is a skilled hostage negotiator she was brought onto the scene. When the situation was finally over and her superiors were freed, they both remarked to Superintendent Adam Okaro that Jo's presence in CID could be "counter-productive", to which the Superintendent replied that it was the first time either of them had agreed in a long time, implying she had succeeded in his original mission for her.

Headstrong, lively and motivated, Jo is a no-nonsense copper who is there to get a result and does not really care about whom she offends in the process. When Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) went behind Jo's back to speak to her exclusive supergrass Seth Mercer (Philip Martin Brown), frightening him off and putting his life in danger by doing so, Jo ignored the fact that Nixon was her superior and challenged her actions. In doing so, Jo gave friend and colleague TDC Gary Best (Ciaran Griffiths) the courage and inspiration to lodge a complaint against DC Suzie Sim (Wendy Kweh), whom he believed to be bullying him, which shows just how influential Jo's actions are.

Jo is an out-and-proud lesbian and was in a long-term relationship with a woman named Tess Henry (Emma Callander) until 2006. Jo's commitment to the job and just under a year working undercover in another district caused the two of them to separate.

Having made a lasting impression at Sun Hill, it was no surprise when Superintendent Adam Okaro chose Jo to be the contact officer for a recently released child serial killer named Cath Wilson (Pauline Quirke). Although Jo made the discovery that Wilson had been wrongly accused when she was first convicted, she quickly landed back in prison for assault. After having formed a bond with the woman, Jo used the link with Wilson to her advantage when she went undercover as a Prison Officer in Stornwall Private Women's Prison, where Tess worked as a Drama Therapist, and Wilson was an inmate, to discover how drugs were being sold on the wings after a spate of overdoses. After speaking to an ex-con who had recently been released, Jo established that new inmates were given free samples of heroin when they arrived in order to get them hooked, whether they liked it or not. Jo later discovered that prime suspect Cheri Watkins (Penny Layden), a lifer who was doing time for murder, was forcing a young, vulnerable inmate named Steph King (Zoe Thorne) to smuggle in pure heroin from Watkins' dealer, Lenny Denton (Tom Neill), who pretended to be Steph's boyfriend. After DC Suzie Sim arranged a sting during visiting time, Jo arrested Watkins and Denton, along with the Head Prison Officer Pete Morahan (Neil Daglish). It later transpired that Wilson had used Jo to get rid of Watkins, so that she could take control of the wing. Jo, angry at being used by Wilson, had her transferred to another prison.

When Seth Mercer contacted Jo once more with information that his haulage company was being exploited by business partners, she was convinced to go undercover on a long-term operation at Nottingham CID. Ten months later, when DS Stuart Turner (Doug Rao) and DC Terry Perkins (Bruce Byron) were paired together on a surveillance job where they were trying to catch a crook selling counterfeit satellite navigation systems, the detectives stopped a van when it made a drop-of at a warehouse, and Terry was stunned when Jo stepped out of the vehicle. Jo and Seth were brought back to the station and Jo explained to Jack Meadows and the team that she was working undercover on an operation which was much bigger than trading counterfeit goods. DC Terry Perkins and DS Stuart Turner searched the van, and after discovering a gun hidden in the wheel arch, Jo was forced to tell Jack Meadows exactly what was going on. She explained that Seth inherited a haulage business and, when he got into debt, loan sharks started using the lorries for gun-running. Philip Hanson (Iain Stuart Robertson) was their supplier and Dougie Clark (James Buller) was their target. She persuaded a reluctant Seth to continue with the investigation into Clark, and Jack decided to keep an eye on Jo as she continued her undercover role. Later, Jo told Sun Hill CID that an ammo exchange had been arranged and she'd like them to provide back-up on the arrests. During the meeting, Jo panicked when Hanson recognised Seth as a grass, and Clark pointed a gun at him. Jo pushed the gun away just as it was fired, and the gunshot alerted Sun Hill police, who made arrests, but they soon realised that Hanson and Seth had disappeared. Jo was devastated when they found copious amounts of blood at one of Hanson’s properties, thinking she had persuaded Seth to take one risk too many. Jo and Jack Meadows talked with forensic experts at Hanson’s house, and it looked as though Seth had put up a struggle after being kidnapped by Hanson, and lost a lot of blood. As Jo updated her colleagues in Nottingham about the operation, Jack Meadows talked to the CID team, explaining that they were now on the look out for Hanson and Seth, plus a man called Danny Castle (Eddie Webber) who had put a price on super-grass Seth’s head. With the help of a tracking device, Jo and DC Terry Perkins find Hanson’s car and were shocked and surprised to find Hanson’s dead body in the boot. Now that Seth was the prime suspect, Jo spoke to his estranged wife, Pamela Mercer (Vivien Parry), who told Jo she hadn’t seen Seth since his son’s death, but she did admit that Castle had been sniffing around looking for Seth. Jo eventually found an injured Seth at his son’s grave, where he admitted that he killed Hanson but said it was in self-defence. Seth explained that when he heard Hanson trying to sell him to Castle over the phone, he hit him with an ashtray. Hanson then stabbed him and Seth hit him again. Seth was staggered when Jo informed him that she would have to arrest him, but they ran for their lives when Castle and his henchmen arrived. Jo and Seth were caught and, just after Jo surreptitiously called DC Terry Perkins from her mobile, both were held at gun point. It was a race against time for the officers, who arrived in time to save Jo, but not Seth, and Jo returned to Sun Hill.

In 2007, Jo worked on a case involving the murder of a super model called Cindy Statham (Nathalie Cox) The previous suspect, Larry Franks (Rupert Holliday-Evans), had made a statement confessing to the murder, but after he withdrew his confession, Jo was determined to clear Larry's name. Jo believed that Larry had filmed Cindy’s death and that there was a possibility he had buried the tape by the canal. The tape was soon uncovered and Jo watched grainy footage of Larry stroking the dying model’s hair. Adamant the tape was inconclusive, DI Neil Manson angered Jo when he insisted that himself and DC Grace Dasari (Amita Dhiri) would re-interview Larry, who clammed up when his request to talk to Jo was denied. Determined to examine all of the evidence again, Jo worked into the night, studying a cleaned up version of Larry’s tape, which Crime Scene Photographer, Rachel Inns (Amanda Abbington) insisted on watching with her. After telling Inns to go home, Jo was excited when she discovered new evidence previously unseen on the tape; a handbag that was not recovered from the scene the next day, and a ringtone from an unidentified mobile phone. As Jo headed out of the station, she was offered a lift home by Inns, and Jo accepted, only for Inns' mobile to phone to ring. Realising that Jo recognised the ringtone from the video of Cindy's murder, Inns attacked Jo. The next morning, a terrified Jo woke up to find herself bound and gagged. As she struggled to untie the ropes, Inns, tied Jo to a chair. Inns admitted that it was her who killed Cindy, but insisted it was an accident. Jo told her CID would be wondering where she was, but Inns frantically taped up Jo's mouth and leaving her at her house, headed to Sun Hill to find out what they knew. At the station DS Stuart Turner told DI Neil Manson that he was concerned about Jo’s unexplained absence, claiming it was completely out of character, and PCs Diane Noble (Kaye Wragg) and Will Fletcher (Gary Lucy) were sent to Jo’s house where neighbours confirmed they didn’t see her return home the night before. Knowing that Jo had worked late studying the tape Larry had made, DS Stuart Turner and DC Grace Dasari watched it for themselves. They quickly realised that Jo was onto something when they heard the distinctive ringing of a mobile phone, and see a shot of a handbag at the scene. As nor Larry or Cindy had received a call on the night of the murder, they needed to work quickly to discover who owned the mobile. Meanwhile, a frantic Inns headed back to Jo, who persuaded her to send a text to DS Stuart Turner, saying that she was ill. When the Sergeant received the text from Jo’s phone, he suspected something was up from the language used. Inns headed back to the station and was alarmed to discover that the officers knew there was a third person at Cindy’s house on the night of the murder. As DI Neil Manson ran through all the facts with CID, he received a call which left him stunned – the mobile phone belonged to Inns, and during an urgent briefing, Sergeant Nikki Wright (Gillian Taylforth) interrupted with the news that evidence Inns had been examining had gone missing – a handgun and some bullets. After discovering Inns and Cindy were old childhood friends, DC Grace Dasari identified an old warehouse they used to visit, by examining photographs Inns had taken. Armed response officers were deployed to the scene, and arrived just in time, as Inns had Jo on her knees, with the gun to her head. A petrified Jo attempted to negotiate with Inns, who explained that she killed Cindy because she'd forgotten about her, and because the strong friendship they had shared as children meant far more to her than it did to Cindy. Jo empathised, and was eventually able to convince Inns to put down the gun, and she was arrested.

Jo investigated the murder of a teenage girl named Kelly Porterfield in 2008, which uncovered a nationwide network of trafficking of underage girls for sex, involving suspects Andy Donnelly (Jack McMullen), Kenton Farmer (Johnny Farmer), and Jake Clegg (Warren Brown). After spending the night outside the residential unit of one young girl, Jen Kilshaw (Chloe Hesar), to ensure her safety, Jo was berated by Superintendent John Heaton (Daniel Flynn) for becoming too involved. It was decided that DC Mickey Webb (Chris Simmons) would go undercover at one of Clegg's properties which was suspected of being involved in the abuse of young girls, and Clegg was arrested and interviewed by Jo, who was forced to release him because of a lack of evidence, much to her frustration. Later, intelligence suggested that a group of girls were to be trafficked from Sun Hill to Glasgow that day, and Jo was horrified when she received a call from Jen saying she had been abducted by Farmer. Desperate, Jo and Mickey eventually broke through Donnelly's tough exterior to find out where Clegg and Farmer had taken the girls. The DCs finally traced them, and were horrified to see two van loads of distressed and drugged girls, including Jen. DC Mickey Webb insisted that they wait to for back up, but Jo was worried that it would be too late for the victims. Both officers jumped out of their car and while DC Mickey Webb arrested Farmer, Clegg saw red and attacked Jo, who was eventually able to restrain him, and all suspects were arrested.

Jo's motivation is second to none, and her instinct and determination has served her and her colleagues well in the past. No-nonsense and headstrong, she'll do anything to nail a crook and makes sure the colleagues she works alongside pull their weight too. She is motivated by her sense of responsibility to the public. The job is a vocation and a way of life – she’s never wanted to do anything else. She’s a tough cookie, but is still prepared to learn and grow from every experience she encounters.

In 2010, Jo, DC Terry Perkins, and DC Jacob Banks (Patrick Robison) investigated the case of a sixteen year old girl named Janine Clark (Fiona Ryan), who claimed to have been gang raped by her boyfriend Mark Watts (Gregory Foreman) and three of his friends, Greg Holbrook (Tommy Knight), Paul Hayes (Scott Haran) and Leo Cooper (Joe Cole). Janine claimed that while Watts, Hayes and Cooper raped her, Holbrook held her down while Hayes filmed it on Watts' phone. The four boys were arrested and when Watts was questioned, the arrogant teenager said the group sex was initiated by Janine. Holbrook was then interviewed by Jo, where he told her how two weeks before, Janine had started kissing him in front of Watts. After the interviews, DI Neil Manson held a briefing and clashed with Jo who insisted that whatever Janine may have done in the past, it didn't mean that she consented on the night of the incident. As the investigation continued, it became clear that without the mobile phone footage, Jo didn’t have a case. Horrified that the boys might get away with the rape, Jo begged for more time on the case. With egotistical Watts, confident that he’d be out of Sun Hill soon, Jo was determined to get a confession out of Holbrook, the weakest member of the group. With only two hours left until they were due to be released, Jo was able to get Holbrook to confess to what really happened that night, and of the where abouts of Watts' phone with the incriminating video evidence. Jo was then able to charge all four suspects, impressing her DI.

Shortly afterwards, Jo investigated a case of harassment, after Sun Hill officers were called to a flat owned by Ami Ryan (Kara Tointon), where suspect Jeremy Preston (Gareth David-Lloyd) had broken in during the night. Preston claimed he was drunk and disorientated, and broke in thinking the flat was an abandoned warehouse, looking for somewhere to sleep. The case took a sinister twist, however, when Jo discovered that Ami and Preston worked in the same building, and forensics showed that Preston’s fingerprints had been found on Ami’s kitchen knives and above her bed. Jo believed that Preston may be stalking Ami, but she was shocked when Preston told her that he and Ami had been having an affair, and to prove it, he revealed intimate details about her. He told Jo that Ami made up the story that he broke into the flat in order to hide the fact they had just slept together from her boyfriend Josh Hunt (Barry Sloane). Ami was horrified by the allegations Preston had made and insisted to Jo that she’d never even met him before. Jo soon realised that Preston had been abusing his position as a security guard, by using the CCTV cameras to follow Ami’s every move around the building where they both worked. In particular, he had been using a camera nearest to Ami’s desk in order to spy on her computer and her personal belongings, in order to gain an insight into her life. Jo realised that the only way she could stop him from getting to Ami again was to make him confess. During an intense interview, observed by Sergeant Callum Stone (Sam Callis), DI Neil Manson, and Superintendent Jack Meadows, Jo attempted to make Preston see that he’d been living out a fantasy. When Preston finally confessed to breaking into Ami’s flat in order to hurt her, Jo suddenly discovered that she was the one in trouble. Preston jumped up and locked the interview room door, savagely assaulting Jo. Sergeant Callum Stone, DI Neil Manson, and Superintendent Jack Meadows ran from the observation room and struggled to break down the interview room door, only to find that Jo has over powered restrained Preston herself. Preston was later charged with harassment, and for assaulting a Police Officer.

Jo became one of Sun Hill’s most experienced and professionally respected DCs, so in 2010 when Superintendent Jack Meadows needed a replacement for Inspector Dale Smith's (Alex Walkinshaw) former Sergeant position, he knew she’d be right for the job. With twenty years’ service under her belt – five of them at Sun Hill – and her Sergeants' exam passed on the QT, Jo felt well equipped for her latest career challenge.

Not long after her promotion, Jo's skills as a hostage negotiator were used when Carly Wilcock (Jo McInnes) barricaded herself in the home of her ex-husband, Alan Wilcock (Ivan Kaye), with their four year old son Mattie Wilcock (Monty Depreli) and a gun. Alan told DS Max Carter (Christopher Fox) that when Carly was charged for possessing cocaine, he won custody of their children, Mattie and fifteen year old Adam Wilcock (Dylan Llewellyn). Jo was surprised when Adam told her that he’d recently been communicating with Carly over Skype and he suggested Jo could do the same. Jo made a real connection with Carly, who told the Sergeant that Alan had been neglecting their children. She went on to say that the cocaine she was arrested for possessing actually belonged to Alan, and when the drugs were found in his car, she took the blame for him, knowing how important his job was to the family, but that he used her conviction in order to divorce her and gain full custody of their children, because she was suffering from postnatal depression. She wanted to know why Alan hadn’t been arrested, and why she couldn't have custody of their children. Jo gently tried to persuade Carly that the police could help her, but Carly became increasingly distressed and Jo realised that Mattie was in real danger. Jo swore that she’d do everything she could to help Carly, but said she had to leave the house and put down the gun. Carly eventually agreed and as officers prepared to get her out, Jo got ready to greet her at the door, but DS Max Carter clashed with Jo, telling her in no uncertain terms that Carly would be met by armed response officers, not Jo. Jo furiously told him that Carly was likely to lose it if she was greeted by CO19, and was proved right when Carly tentatively attempted to leave the house, but ran back inside with Mattie, terrified, when met by a wall of firearms. As Jo continued the negotiations, Carly became more disturbed and hysterically fired another shot. CO19 were ordered into the house, and Carly was shot and killed. Jo was distraught, and squared up to DS Max Carter, blaming him for Carly's death, claiming that had she been allowed to meet Carly when she originally agreed to come out, it would never have gotten that far.

Full of laconic wit and sarcasm, Jo can banter with the best of them, but she is also incredibly warm hearted. She is someone to be relied on, and many officers at Sun Hill, DC Grace Dasari in particular, would call her a dear friend as well as a colleague. Although she remains approachable and level-headed, her PCs are soon to discover that their new Sarge is no pushover – and she's not afraid to take on Sergeant Callum Stone or Inspector Dale Smith either, if the case demands it.

Debbie McAllister

Deborah "Debbie/Deb" McAllister
First appearance On The Hook (Part 1) (03/11/00)
Last appearance Episode # 259 (10/11/2004)
Portrayed by Natalie Roles
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Sergeant
Spouse(s) Superintendent Tom Chandler (widowed)

DS McAllister arrived at Sun Hill during the aftermath of the Don Beech Scandal. A schemer who often took credit for the efforts of others, she dates Tom Chandler in an attempt to sleep her way to higher rank; falling pregnant with his baby, she eventually marries him. The efforts of DCI Jack Meadows and DC Mickey Webb to bring down Chandler for the rape of a young woman years before culminates with him holding a gun to Debbie as she goes into labour two months early, with Meadows in the room. Tom shoots himself and Debbie is rushed to hospital. She makes a choice not to keep her son Andrew, but eventually changes her mind.

Soon afterwards she begins an affair with fellow Sun Hill officer Juliet Becker; after her murder she then begins pursuing a relationship with Meadows. However, she finally decides to leave the force to look after her son, and strikes out on her own.

There is no doubt that Debbie was an excellent DS, but there were those who she did not get on with. A prime example in her later years at Sun Hill is DC Brandon Kane, whose wife Tanya was pushed down the stairs, and Debbie investigated, but accused Brandon initially, causing a vicious slanging match between her and Brandon in the middle of the hospital.

Gary McCann

Gary McCann
First appearance Occupational Hazard (10/11/1992)
Last appearance Friends (12/12/2000)
Portrayed by Clive Wedderburn
Occupation Police Officer
Title PC

Gary McCann was a graduate having achieved a degree in History and Politics from the University of East Anglia.[1] McCann was the child of immigrant parents who made their way to England in the 1960s. Despite his academic background, McCann chose a career in policing.

McCann arrived at Sun Hill as a probationer, 'puppy walked' by Sergeant Matthew Boyden and was seen by Chief Superintendent Brownlow to be a promising recruit. He soon learnt that the police could not always operate 'by the book' but he was quick to adapt and felt comfortable with other members of the team.

Gary was ambitious and resented the fact that PC June Ackland had been promoted to Sergeant instead of himself. He did, however, reapply for promotion four years later[1] with success. He then transferred from Sun Hill.

Dean McVerry

Dean McVerry
Portrayed by Luke Hamill
Occupation Police Staff

CAD Officer

Specialty = Radio Operations

dean works in cad and is also in a wheelchair

Jack Meadows

Jack Meadows
First appearance A Fresh Start (31/05/1990)
Last appearance Respect Part Two (31/08/2010)
Portrayed by Simon Rouse
Occupation Police Officer
  • Superintendent (since 2009)
    * Acting Superintendent #330 - #336, (4th June - 15th July 2005)
    * Detective Chief Inspector (1992 - 2009)
    * Detective Superintendent (1990 - 1992)
Spouse(s) Laura Meadows (divorced)
Children Benjamin Meadows
(son, with Laura)
Lucy Meadows
(daughter, with Laura)
unnamed child
(unknown gender, with Laura; miscarried)
Joshua Heath
(son, with Rachel Heath: born 2004)

A thoroughly seasoned police officer, being ex-Murder Squad, Jack Meadows has seen most of the gruesome sights a copper can see. He can be brusque and doesn't suffer fools gladly, but is not slow in showing praise when it's due. Meadows arrived at Sun Hill having been demoted from Detective Superintendent for lack of supervision, although many believed his demotion was the result of a corruption case. He worked on a number of cases in conjunction with detectives at the station before being brought in to run the show over the head of an initially resentful DI Frank Burnside.

Meadows is tough and keeps a close eye on his colleagues without unnecessary interference. He is very astute at seeing through people, villains and colleagues alike. Meadows has gone on to survive a number of crises whilst at Sun Hill. He faced corruption charges several years ago, and after the Beech fiasco he was left in no doubt by Chandler that he was in danger of losing his job. However, Chandler had underestimated the enemy and Meadows hung around to haunt - and ultimately destroy - him.

Jack's Achilles heal is his weakness for younger women. He was happily married for 28 years to school-teacher Laura, but when their children left home the cracks in the marriage began to show. She resented his overriding commitment to the job and came to the realisation that he was no longer in love with her. During a period of separation, Jack became involved with a high-class escort and also a DS at the station.

As the spearhead of the station, Jack always brings gravitas, perspective and leadership to any case that he oversees; as a seasoned detective, father and mentor, he continually proves that he can balance his heart and his head, but it’s sometimes tough for Jack to maintain his steely exterior and keep an even keel. His promotion to Superintendent in July 2009 following Heaton's departure was richly deserved.

Ken Melvin

Ken Melvin
First appearance Some You Win, Some You Lose (28/09/1987)
Last appearance Trojan Horse (22/05/1990)
Portrayed by Mark Powley
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Finchley-born PC Ken Melvin was a bit of a surprise to Sun Hill. They had found him a likeable enough bloke, but when he revealed he was a Born Again Christian they looked at him in a slightly different way. After all, religion wasn't high on the agenda for canteen conversation, not when there was birds, booze and football to talk about. He was respected and liked by his fellow PCs but frequently spoofed on account of his youth and inexperience. Handsome, fair-haired Ken was killed while parking a booby-trapped car in the Sun Hill yard. A bomb went off, and he had no chance. Damage caused by the explosion pushed ahead the planned rebuilding and refurbishment of the station.

Andrew Monroe

Andrew Monroe
First appearance I Thought You'd Gone (11/01/1990)
Last appearance

Episode # 008 (16/04/2002)

Cause of death = Died in the Explosion at Sun Hill Police Station (2002)
Portrayed by Colin Tarrant
Occupation Police Officer

Relief Commander

Call sign = Sierra Oscar 1
Spouse(s) Rachel Monroe

Andrew Monroe was happily married for over 20 Years and had two teenage daughters. He did lead a happy household, however it was known that his policing took its toll on family life.

Monroe was a working class man who had worked as a miner and had very little formal education. Monroe's knowledge of police procedure is considered by many to be first-rate. He is a stern and authoritarian leader who commands a lot of respect from his subordinates and superiors. Viewers see little of his private life although it is known he is married to his wife Rachel Monroe and has a daughter Jackie Monroe.

Monroe was significant in DS Ted Roach's departure from the show, as it was Monroe who reported Roach for striking a senior officer. He was punched by the detective during an argument when Monroe refused to let him leave the station, pending an investigation by CIB over a brawl Roach was earlier involved in.

After twelve years of service at the station he is killed in The Sun Hill Fire. How he came to be caught in the blast is somewhat unclear, since he was last seen leaving his office some minutes before the incident occurred. However, he was prompted to leave the office after the station suffered a power cut, and it is possible that he went up to the CID office, where the other victims-to-be were enjoying a party, to investigate the situation. When PC Des Taviner misguidedly throws a petrol bomb into Monroe's office to destroy some evidence against himself, the spreading flames trigger a gas explosion, which rips right through the building to CID. Monroe can only be assumed to have crossed the path of that explosion at the wrong moment.

Jo Morgan

Jo Morgan
First appearance Keeping Out Of Trouble (09/03/1993)
Last appearance Bait (12/10/1995)
Portrayed by Mary Jo Randle
Occupation Police Officer
Title DS

By the way she frowned and charged off on a limb, DS Jo Morgan could be sometimes thought of as a female version of Burnside. She was often so certain of her own judgements that she landed herself in hot water with DI Johnson and her other bosses, not to mention colleagues like Alan Woods. Jo saw sympathy as a waste of time - with victims and witnesses she could be brusque and sharp - she wanted results and didn't care how she got them. She was, however, a reliable member of the CID team; her sense of humour saved her, and her wit kept her stock high with the others.

Jo originally came from Rochdale (the accent was still strong) and arrived at Sun Hill from another tough London district, Hoxton CID, where she earned promotion to sergeant. She was divorced - things probably didn't work out because her ambition got in the way. Jo never complained about being a woman in a man's world. To her this was irrelevant - her job was cracking the next case. The job was her life.

Jo transferred to the South East Regional Crime Squad, and returned to the station in September 1995 to provide evidence in a trial of a convict DI Chris Deakin was trying to put away. Later that month in episode "Bait", Jo returned to Sun Hill but was gunned down outside the station whilst warning Ackland of an impending attack on her car. She was planning to transfer back to the station permanently following the investigation.

Rowanne Morell

Rowanne Morell
First appearance Episode # 244 (15/09/04)
Last appearance Episode # 369 (07/12/05)
Portrayed by Tanya Franks
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Chief Inspector

Rowanne comes to help Sun Hill CID investigate murders. She investigates the murders of PC Kerry Young and PC Lance Powell. She also investigates PC Honey Harman's fiance after he is suspected of killing his wife, PC Gabriel Kent's connection to the sniper and The Sun Hill Fire. She is later temporarily seconded to Sun Hill CID to cover for DI Neil Manson after losing his mistress PC Andrea Dunbar in The Sun Hill Fire (2005).

Stevie Moss

Stevie Moss
First appearance The Deadly Game(02/01/2008)
Last appearance Respect Part Two(31/08/2010)
Portrayed by Lucy Speed
Occupation Detective
Title Detective Sergeant

In October 2007 it was announced that actress Lucy Speed would be joining the cast of the successful ITV police drama, The Bill. Speed was previously best known for playing Natalie Evans in BBC's EastEnders, and she joins a long line of former EastEnders stars to appear in The Bill, including Todd Carty (Mark Fowler/Gabriel Kent), Roberta Taylor (Irene Raymond/Gina Gold), Gillian Taylforth (Kathy Mitchell/Nikki Wright), Louisa Lytton (Ruby Allen/Beth Green), Russell Floyd (Michael Rose/Ken Drummond) and Steven Hartley (Matthew Jackson/Tom Chandler) Michael Higgs (Andy Hunter/Eddie Santini) Billy Murray (Johnny Allen/Don Beech) among others.

Speed plays DC Stevie Moss, a regular character who first appeared on-screen from January 2008. Speaking of her new role, Speed said: "Stevie's such a great character. I'm really looking forward to my first scripts! Stevie's one of those people who you think is really open, but she's just very good at hiding her true feelings and what's going on in her life. I think the really exciting part will be my ride-along days with the real police – it'll be great to see how it all happens."[2]

Her third role in the long-running serial drama, Speed had previously appeared in guest roles in 1993 and 2006. Speed has commented, "I've always wanted to get the long term gig here so I'm pleased ... [Stevie Moss comes] from an undercover unit. She's quite girly to look at I suppose; she's not trying to be a boy, but she's quite boyish - she gets stuck in with the fights and she's always got a cheeky answer to everything, and she talks a bit much."[3][4]

DC Stevie Moss had her first major storyline with DS Max Carter, DC Terry Perkins and DC Mickey Webb on 2 January 2008. She arrested a man for a hit and run and hit it off with the CID team immediately. In more recent times, Stevie has built up a close relationship with DI Neil Manson, and Inspector Dale Smith, whom she worked with undercover on a gun running operation. She shared a kiss with Smithy, while under the guise of his girlfriend, however, it has not been explored further in the show. After DS Stuart Turner left she became a Detective Sergeant (DS). T/DC Will Fletcher will get her old position of DC.

Sheelagh Murphy

Sheelagh "Shee" Murphy
First appearance Episode 089 (2003-12-02)
Last appearance Episode 363 (2005-10-11)
Portrayed by Bernie Nolan
Occupation Police Officer

Police Constable (2004-2005)

Sergeant (2003-2004)
Spouse(s) Patrick Murphy

Connor Murphy (with Patrick), Declan Murphy (with Patrick) Siobhan Murphy (with Patrick)

Niamh (with Des Taviner; deceased)


Sheelagh Murphy, 44 years of age, was born in Southern Ireland - the oldest of five children. Her mother died when she was 13 - and Sheelagh ended up raising her brothers and sisters while her dad ran a pub. As a result, her education was a bit sporadic (the nuns would let her off - knowing she had responsibilities at home), but she was naturally quick-witted, and a good communicator. After leaving the family home and the responsibilities of raising her first family, she married taxi-driver Patrick and began her own family. Within four years she had 3 children. Once the children reached school age, Sheelagh pursued her first career as a nurse, which suited her caring side but didn't fulfill her entirely. She often ended up chatting to the many police officers who came into the hospital and began to think what life would be like as a copper.

Having brought up two families, Sheelagh was a natural mother figure - and it wasn't long before Sun Hill turned into family number three. As much as she enjoyed the camaraderie of the relief, she was soon spotted as a mature and capable candidate for promotion; a few months prior to joining Sun Hill, Sheelagh passed her Sergeant's Exams. Sheelagh was a natural carer - she could spot need and address it - sometimes before the needy realised it themselves. An open and honest person, she didn't need to make a martyr of herself like June or hide behind a tough-girl image like Gina.

During The Bill

Sheelagh had been happily married for over twenty years until a disastrous affair with Des Taviner left her reeling. The loss of their baby, Niamh to cot death and Des's death in custody after being arrested for murder which to her he admitted left her on the brink. Things went from bad to worse for Sheelagh following her demotion back to PC and subsequent relationship with Sun Hill's resident nut Gabriel Kent. In the end, she decided to transfer to the Child Protection Unit at Croydon where she could make a fresh start. Her time in Sun Hill is eventful.

Other problems that occur during her tenure at the station include her son, Connor, announcing his sexuality, which offends her own religious beliefs, and clashes with colleagues over potential racism. After being accused of racism and religious insensitivity following a high-profile court case in episode 222 (17 June 2004), and following a number of other controversies, she chooses to be demoted to the rank of Police Constable rather than become a Desk Sergeant at Hendon.

She leaves Sun Hill for a job in the Child Protection Team in Croydon after a dangerous affair with Gabriel Kent, another officer hiding a secret. Though they intend to marry their relationship comes to an unfortunate end when he snaps, ties her to a bed and later throws himself off a building. After this Sheelagh feels she can no longer work at Sun Hill and plans to quit the service before Gina Gold finds her a place at the CPT.

Pete Muswell

Pete Muswell
First appearance Snouts and Red Herrings (11/11/1985)
Last appearance The Chief Superintendent’s Party (10/02/1986)
Portrayed by Ralph Brown
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Pete Muswell, a tall Londoner, was single, aged somewhere in his thirties. Like Sgt Cryer, Muswell was one of the coppers who battled the flying pickets during the miners' strike, but unlike Cryer, he enjoyed his confrontations with the Yorkshiremen and frequently volunteered for overtime during that special duty. Whether the scar under his left eye resulted from these engagements was never revealed. Indeed, his heavy-handed, indiscriminate use of a truncheon caused the subsequent death of a young miner. Muswell relished a fight and there was no one better to have about when there was one, even if he tended to resort to dirty tricks with friend and foe alike - he was much too fond of the boot. Hard-boiled, foul-mouthed, bigoted and chauvinistic, Muswell was streetwise and knew all the dodges. The fact that he rode a new motorcycle suited his hard-drinking, hard-smoking image. Muswell wasn't necessarily sexist, however, displaying a certain protective loyalty towards June Ackland, and Viv Martella particularly, whom he often partnered. They were coppers, after all. His relationship with Abe Lyttleton, the first black officer to be posted to Sun Hill, was predictable. He called Abe 'Snowball' but never seemed able, even with his best attempts, to upset him. Muswell however eventually developed a grudging respect for the man. As for Taffy Edwards, not likely. Not only was he Welsh, he was also a 'uniform carrier', and that Pete couldn't tolerate. Under a tough exterior, Muswell could be soft-hearted given the right circumstances, but these were few and far between. He could be rather charming if he wished, but was often the brunt of barbed jibes by the rest of the Relief, and not always good-naturedly. His ideas were purely black and white and totally unsympathetic. He thought that rape victims, for example, asked for it and probably enjoyed the experience. Muswell was a gambler, in one instance organising a wager at a 'kickabout' five a side football match, but didn't like it at all when he failed to win the pot; but that was Pete all over. Money was everything to him. As unlikely as it seems, Muswell left the force, perhaps for more money in a better paying job. Or maybe the Met that Pete knew was changing too rapidly and dinosaurs with out-dated attitudes like his were no longer needed.


Zain Nadir

Zain Nadir (alias Adi Mateen)
First appearance Episode 172 (04/12/03)
Last appearance "Zain Inside Out: Part 2" (20/12/07)
Portrayed by TJ Ramini
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable

Zain spent two years on the beat in Stoke Newington before joining Covert Operations. Exceptional and specialising in undercover work, Zain was extremely driven and ambitious, and preferred thinking with his head. Zain is a second generation British Muslim. He has an estranged relationship with his parents, Rafi and Carmen. Zain's sister died years ago from a drug overdose, although Zain later tells Kristen Shaw that she was killed in a car crash, in order to retain his cover. He frequently states that the death of his sister, Jessica, is the reason he joined the police.

When Supt. Okaro launches "Operation Mercury" on the Cole Lane Estate, an operation focusing on targeting drug crime, PC Lance Powell identifies a suspected drug dealer known as Adi Mateen. Desperate to catch Mateen, Lance keeps a close eye on him, which leads to him witnessing a drug dealing taking place between Mateen and the Superintendent. When Okaro does not turn in the drugs to custody, Powell begins to suspect that his own Superintendent may be corrupt. He does not have much time to mull it over, however, before he and Mateen are confronted by teenager Jordan Tomlin, who is armed with a gun. At that moment, Mateen reveals himself as an undercover policeman, DC Zain Nadir, working to infiltrate a big-time drug baron. Zain is able to convince Jordan not to use the gun, and he is arrested shortly after fleeing the scene. Zain continues with his undercover operation and is almost gunned down, unaware of the fact that in the short time, the disappeared Tomlin tipped off the drug baron about him being a policeman.

Shortly afterwards, Zain accepts a post offered by DCI Jack Meadows as a DC in CID. While not straight down the line corrupt, Zain is known to bend the rules and distort the truth to benefit himself on more than one occasion. Meadows realises he needs to be tamed, if he is to be kept in CID, and he intends on keeping a close eye on him. Zain's experience on the streets means he is constantly slipping back into undercover mode, and he finds his habit of making up stories from his past a tough one to break.

Zain is often considered courageous but reckless, always sailing close to the wind. In the second live episode, in which Sun Hill station is under siege, Zain goes against all protocol and risks his life by speeding across the road from the station in a car along with DS Phil Hunter as a gunman fires shots at them. There is a more sensitive side to Zain as he works on a few CSU cases with DS Ramani DeCosta, in particular one involving female genital cutting. Although he is more dynamic than Ramani in securing a result, he is still diligent and professional.

Towards the end, Zain had "turned native" and is feeding false information to his superiors and officers from the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). The Sun Hill team are preparing to foil a major drugs deal between Kristen Shaw and the Colombians at a false location, and Zain sneaks off to Kristen's bar and updates Kristen and her business partner, Paul Haskew, on the team's movements, and after betraying his team he and Kristen escape the country, just as evidence of his lying becomes evident.

After watching Kristen shoot PC Honey Harman dead Zain throws the body in the canal. Honey is pulled out a few days later and Zain helps DCI Meadows and DS Hunter catch Kristen. He is then imprisoned for 10 years. He shows great remorse for his actions, mostly for Honey's death but also for betraying Phil, who he described as his best mate in years. Zain returned to The Bill briefly during December 2007, when Jack Meadows comes across him in jail. For saving his life, Meadows tells Zain he will arrange for him to serve the rest of his sentence at an open prison and he eventually turns back into his old self.

Samantha Nixon

Samantha "Sam" Nixon
First appearance Episode 038 (27/08/02)
Last appearance To Die For (18/06/09)
Portrayed by Lisa Maxwell
Occupation Detective Inspector

D.I. (2007-2009)
D.S. (2002-2004)
Acting D.I. (2004-2004)
D.S. (2004-2007) Call Sign = DS Nixon (DS)
Sierra Oscar 75/DI Nixon (Acting DI)
DS Nixon (DS)

Sierra Oscar 75/DI Nixon (DI)
Children Abigail Nixon

Samantha Nixon, is originally from Enfield, Middlesex. She is a measured person both professionally and emotionally and because of this can be accused of being closed down emotionally. Fiercely intelligent, Samantha's gained two degrees, a first in psychology after five years of Open University and a 2:1 in criminology after that. She's genuinely, academically interested in police work and prior to joining Sun Hill, trained in criminal profiling but failed to be accepted into the Met's profiling team. Sam was by far one of the most capable of candidates but she suspects she was the victim of sexual discrimination and has never quite come to terms with this.

Samantha is a single mother; she conducts a friendship rather than a typical mother/daughter relationship with Abi. She has developed a tough emotional resilience in bringing her up, but it's not a relationship without problems. Sam is so busy analysing everyone else that she hasn't time to analyse and understand herself, or her rebellious daughter. In the station, Sam's too clever to be drawn into office politics, earning Meadows's respect and trust. However, she's constantly trying to prove her worth and this can sometimes get the better of her usually sound judgement.

Samantha's choice of subjects is a heavy indication that she is almost obsessed about understanding the world around her. Her instinctive skill at reading people earns her an "off limits" tag by some people, afraid that she might find something out about them. So occasionally Samantha feels isolated from the department but has the emotional resilience to wear it. She has few real friends in Sun Hill; her relationship with Gina Gold is probably the closest that comes to friendship. Both harbour a mutual respect after recognising a little of themselves in each other; qualities such as instinct, a no-nonsense resilience and a steely self belief designed to protect themselves from the prejudices of a police service still quietly regarded as a man's world.

Intensely ambitious, Samantha was devastated when she was passed over for the permanent position of DI having been Acting DI for over a year. Although Okaro's reasons for not recommending her were perfectly legitimate (he felt she lacked experience as a manager), Samantha will never quite believe that her gender didn't play a part in the decision. When DI Neil Manson arrived at Sun Hill, Samantha's ongoing feud with Phil Hunter was superseded with a new determination to prove herself more capable than her boss. Samantha became paranoid that Neil was trying to get rid of her and her eagerness to prove herself led her to make mistakes. This relationship was further complicated by the fact that she found herself inexplicably attracted to him; in many ways he was everything she admired: cool, calm, ambitious and not afraid to put his money where his mouth is. The two eventually overcame their initial difficulties and have now developed a healthy rapport, particularly now that Sam has regained her rank and will be working alongside him on equal footing.

Sam left Sun Hill on the 18 June 2009 to be transferred to the Child Exploitation Unit.

Diane Noble

PC / Sergeant Diane Noble
First appearance Episode # 441 (13/09/2006)
Last appearance Old Habits (30/04/2009)
Portrayed by Kaye Wragg
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable / Sergeant

Diane joined the police after leaving the army, where she was a corporal, and as a relatively new character has not yet had much of her personality or personal life shown. It is revealed however, that Diane has a 12-year-old son, Robert, but she does not see him much because he lives with his father.

It is believed that at some point in her career, Diane served with Superintendent John Heaton in the same police station. This leads some of the relief to question whether Diane is loyal to her colleagues or whether she is more loyal to Superintendent Heaton and senior officers.

Recently, Diane took some time off from Sun Hill to spend more time with her son. (This storyline then covers Kaye Darling's maternity leave.) Upon her return on 29 April, was promoted to Sergeant to replace Sgt Rachel Weston, now inspector, before supposedly moving to Barton Street.

She has had approximately one year, one month and three days' leave from the Metropolitan Police Force, however after her comeback episode it is unclear as to whether her character's role will be wrapped up, with other characters' roles in doubt.

Her callsign number is 48, the same as the legendary Sergeant June Ackland


Adam Okaro

Adam Okaro
First appearance Episode 060 (07/11/2002)
Last appearance Episode 442 (14/09/2006)
Portrayed by Cyril Nri
Occupation Police Officer

Superintendent (2002 - 2006)

Chief Superintendent (2006 - 2010)
Spouse(s) Denise Okaro (deceased)
Children Malcom Okaro (deceased) & Leah Okaro (deceased)

Adam Okaro, in his late forties was a strong but caring leader who wasn't scared to take full responsibility for his actions. Adam's commitment to the job got respect of the officers of Sun Hill in a short time.

Adam joined the police after graduating with a first class honours in political history. His career choice was applauded by his family but greeted with less enthusiasm by his friends. He quickly moved up the ranks in uniform and CID. He became Chief Inspector in the West End and after a brief spell as Superintendent in Croydon, moved to Sun Hill to take over from now decreased Tom Chandler.

After nearly 4 years at Sun Hill as Superintendent, he was promoted to Borough Commander.

Eddie Olosunje

Eddie Olosunje
First appearance Deadly Cocktail (5/3/2008)
Last appearance Respect: Part 2 (31/08/2010)
Portrayed by Jason Barnett
Occupation Scenes of Crime Officer
Title Crime Scene Examiner
Spouse(s) Unknown

Eddie has always been a charmer and snaps at every chance he gets to get together with a woman. He's a big softie and as he doesn't have a major part in the show, he doesn't reveal much about his personal life. He is a Crime Scene Examiner who is often used in any crimes where forensic evidence is necessary. He uses humour as a way of making light of situations, often very serious. This humour is known to wind up some officers although others enjoy his input. He has struck up a friendship with DC Jo Masters, leading to him asking her out. Jo found this amusing due to her sexual preference of which Eddie clearly wasn't aware; she took him out for a drink to explain the reasons behind her rejection and so that they could remain friends. Since then he has shown interest in Kezia Walker, Samantha Nixon and more recently Grace Desari.

Gemma Osbourne

Gemma "Gem" Osbourne
First appearance Episode 054 (23/10/2002)
Last appearance Episode 115 (21/05/2003)
Portrayed by Jane Danson
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Gemma Osbourne always wanted to be a cop. She served her two years' probation with Greater Manchester Constabulary then transferred to the Met expecting bright lights but getting leafy Surrey. Feeling isolated and home sick, she discovered a flair for driving and a fondness for nicking disorderly motorists. After four years on a response team, she successfully applied to become a 'black rat' and joined Met 315 Traffic Patrol. There, she excelled, flying through motorcycle, advanced driving and vehicle inspection courses. Not only could she drive anything put in front of her, she could strip down a vehicle and put it back together again. She had also passed her Sergeant's Exams and was often 'acting' Sergeant.

Gemma arrived at Sun Hill as part of the Commissioner's initiative to get traffic patrol officers back in the boroughs dealing with street crime. Having spent four years on driving duties, with little supervision and seeing hardly any crime, it was quite a culture shock. But ever the optimistic, Gemma got a kick out of knowing she was far more qualified than fellow area car drivers, Tony and Des. Her zest for life and irreverent sense of humour immediately broke down barriers. Her energy was infectious to some but hugely irritating to others, but at the end of the day, she was a tenaciously loyal friend - cross her though, and she could be a bitter enemy with a razor-sharp tongue!

Gemma was openly gay and a member of the Lesbian And Gay Police Association. She spotted homophobia a mile off, but being amiable, attractive and good at her job, she didn't suffer much direct prejudice. She was, however, fully aware she was regarded as different, and made a conscious decision to celebrate it.

Gemma didn't last long at Sun Hill however. Torn between her conscience and role of police officer, she let a refugee and her daughter go free instead of reporting them to Customs. As a result, she was seriously reprimanded by Inspector Gold, who questioned her suitability for the job. Gemma left the Force pending the outcome of an MRI scan following a sustained beating outside the station several weeks earlier.


Polly Page

Polly Page
First appearance Spit and Polish (15/10/1992)
Last appearance Episode 206 (08/04/2004)
Portrayed by Lisa Geoghan
Occupation Police Civilian Staff
Title CAD Officer

Polly Page joins the A relief as a PC near the end of her probationary period, transferring from B relief. She is already familiar with Sun Hill's ground. Polly comes from Bermondsey and her dedication is unwavering. A Londoner through and through, she sets her sights on tackling the low-life of the metropolis, not on migrating to more parochial climes. Gutsy, sharp, with a keen South London humour, she has few illusions about the job and is eager in all its aspects. Her keenness means that she sometimes takes risks, dives in and gets herself hurt. But she is not gung-ho like some of the male officers, and is usually good at standing back and assessing the situation. She has been specially trained to deal with rape cases and her naturally compassionate nature makes her ideal for the role of "chaperone". Bright and brave, coppers do not come more caring or conscientious than Polly Page.

But her love life is quite a different story. She was known to be very kinky & in neighbouring Canley she was known as Mistress Polly. Her life revolves completely around her job, which she sees as far more important than any boyfriend. Secretly she is yearning for "Mr. Right", although an affair with ex-colleague Dave Quinnan does little for her confidence, and nearly results in her taking her own life. She returns to Sun Hill after a year's personal leave to join CSU, but after assisting the euthanasia of a doctor she had befriended, Polly finds herself sentenced for murder. However, after being cleared on appeal, she is exonerated and returns to Sun Hill as a civilian CAD operator. Far from front-line policing, it proves to be quite an adjustment.

She never quite gets used to being stuck in the station. Exploited by a local journalist, who seduces her to get a story, the final straw comes when Polly visits Cathy Bradford in a secure unit to lay her own demons to rest. It has quite the opposite effect, deluded Cathy believes she is undercover in prison and taunts Polly for not being senior enough to discuss the operation. Realising that she can never command the respect she once had, Polly decides to leave Sun Hill and make a new start elsewhere.

Danesh Patel

Danesh Patel
First appearance Some You Win, Some You Lose (28/09/1987)
Last appearance Skipper (23/11/1987)
Portrayed by Sonesh Sira
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Danny Pearce

Daniel "Danny" Pearce
First appearance Pride And Joy (21/05/1993)
Last appearance For Services Rendered (21/09/1995)
Portrayed by Martin Marquez
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Sergeant

Essex man DS Danny Pearce looked ready for the Costa Del Crime. Blame the flash suits, gold watch and dark Mediterranean looks. Pearce looked like a villain and he could think like one, too - which made him very useful in Sun Hill CID. It may be why DI Johnson took a shine to him. He tried to make it plain that he had no problem working for a woman. He had no problem with any of the police practices, come to that. A cop for 1990s, that was him. Or rather, that's what he had chosen as his image. Scratch the surface, and there was a regular, ambitious, capable cop, one who was not averse to landing a colleague in trouble if that way he himself escaped. That's what he did to Loxton, when his snout's information led Johnson to head a drugs bust in completely the wrong place. He could be snide about his colleagues, too - and it's a fair bet that he had skeletons in his cupboard at the nick in Romford where he worked previously. When Jarvis and McCann were having trouble making an arrest stick, he told them about his former sergeant whom he watched blatantly twisting the facts to secure a similar arrest. Pearce may have inherited Roach's desk, but he was a newer, slicker model. He transferred to AMIP, briefly returning to help Meadows investigate a murder in 1996.

Tom Penny

Tom Penny
First appearance Funny Ol' Business - Cops And Robbers (16/10/1984)
Last appearance Start With The Whistle (13/12/1990)
Portrayed by Roger Leach
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant
Spouse(s) Wendy Penny

Sergeant Tom Penny was a quiet sort of bloke who had more going on under the surface than most people realised. He upset a few people when he tried to impose a ban on smoking at Sun Hill, and Bob Cryer realised he was under some strain when his wife turned up and asked for help: Tom was beating her. At the end of 1987, Penny was shot in the stomach after investigating a complaint about a crazy woman who kept cats.

He survived, but when he returned to work he was constantly swallowing painkillers washed down with alcohol to deaden the pain of the wound. He confessed to Cryer that he did have a drink problem, and Cryer tried to help. But when Penny was working in an overheated CAD room, being irritated by a chattering electrician, he spilled his coffee over the computer, put it out of action and blew his top. It became clear that Tom needed more convalescence. He was the hero of the Canley Fields child-murders investigation, bringing the killer in and slowly working through the confession. But the details played on his mind. Driving home from the party to mark Cryer's 20 years' service, he was stopped, breathalysed and found to be over the legal limit. His reputation ruined, he decided that the best course was to resign on medical grounds, citing the old gunshot wound. It was a frame-up, but he was out of the force. He returned to Sun Hill in 1991 when he was working as a security officer, still claiming to be a police officer.

Terry Perkins

Terrence "Terry" Perkins
First appearance Episode # 147 (10/09/2003)
Portrayed by Bruce Byron
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable / DC Perkins
Family Ben Perkins (brother)
Spouse(s) Helen Perkins
Children Holly and Shaun Perkins

Terry first arrives as a DC at Barton Street, investigating the rape of DCI Jack Meadows's wife. Not long afterwards, he is transferred to Sun Hill as the resident SORO, Sex Offenders Register Officer. Working in the Community Safety Unit as well as CID, Terry goes on to build a strong relationship with DS Ramani DeCosta, who is in charge of the CSU. After quickly proving himself to be a capable police officer who is generally just there to get the job done and not kick up a bit of fuss, Supt. Adam Okaro elects him to go undercover in prison in an attempt to infiltrate a ring of paedophilia. In a staged group counseling scene featuring Ramani, Terry tells his cover story, he had forced a boy to perform a sex act on him by threatening the boy's brother with a knife. Initially seeing how the operation is getting to him, Ramani puts two and two together and discovers the truth; Terry and his brother Ben Perkin had been sexually abused when they were children, which was a strong motivation for Terry to become an SORO in the first place. Realising he is perhaps not best suited to be working on crimes that hit so close to home, Terry transfers back to divisional CID on a full time basis.

His past once more comes back to haunt him when evidence comes to light suggesting his nephew, Bradley has been on the receiving end of sexual abuse from Terry's brother, Ben. After the family manage to give them the slip, Terry tracks them down and to his horror discovers his suspicions are true; Ben has been sexually abusing his son. Almost a year later, Ben goes on trial and is found guilty, and he is sent to prison. Realising that his family needs support, Terry begins a relationship with Ben's wife, Lucy. Ramani views the relationship as wrong, and their disagreement subsequently ends their friendship. When Ben is released from prison, he discovers Terry has been sleeping with his wife and hits him in the face, before cutting ties with him. Realising he does not love Lucy and has just been trying to support her through a rough patch, Terry soon cuts ties with her.

After settling back down into Sun Hill with his personal crises out of the way, Terry suddenly finds himself developing a romantic attachment towards close friend and colleague Ramani. After renewing their friendship, Terry is shocked by the revelation that Ramani has accepted a job with the Child Abuse Investigation Team, subsequently ending any chance he may have for a relationship with her. However, after seeing his children Holly and Shaun again, Terry and his ex-wife Helen decide to give their marriage another chance.

Terry's informant Barry supply's him with information about a robbery. Terry and his new partner DS Max Carter look into it and later on Barry is found in his garage shot; despite efforts to save him he dies in Terry's arms. Terry gets drunk and is put in the cells to sober up. Waking up, he finds that the station is under attack from armed masked men. Acting fast, Terry makes out he's a prisoner to Duncan, the man who shot Barry, and he tries to get revenge on Duncan, but Duncan finds out Terry is in fact a DC and knocks him out. After the siege is over Terry tracks down Duncan, who has used his warrant card to get out of the station, and beats him up.

Terry has recently went undercover as a taxi driver/courier. He has got involved in the 25th Anniversary storyline.

Mia Perry

Mia Perry
First appearance Episode #390 (15/2/06)
Last appearance Better Off Dead (14/6/07)
Portrayed by Jo-Anne Knowles
Occupation Police Civilian Support Staff
Title Directorate of Public Affairs Officer

Mia was a civilian who worked at Scotland Yard with the Directorate of Public Affairs. She came to Sun Hill whenever a case was going on that required media attention.

Mia started a relationship with DC Mickey Webb but they split up after she had an affair with Superintendent John Heaton.

Alec Peters

Alec Peters
First appearance Funny Ol' Business - Cops And Robbers (16/10/1984)
Last appearance Licence (27/02/1992)
Portrayed by Larry Dann
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant

Sergeant Alec Peters was an old-fashioned copper with a touch of Dixon of Dock Green about him. He was one of the original three sergeants at Sun Hill along with Bob Cryer and Tom Penny. He was a friend of Bob's, though in some ways Alec saw Bob as a rival. The two men were both up for the post of Duty Sergeant. Peters turned it down; Cryer accepted it. By contrast to Tom Penny, Peters was a jovial sort, not averse to sharing a laugh and a joke with the Relief. Alec was genial and friendly, though not above a little petty jealousy. But like Penny's, his health and career went downhill after he was the victim of violence. Peters was stabbed in the stomach by a kid on drugs while out on a housing-estate raid. He recovered eventually but was never mentally or physically the same, needing to resort to pills and the occasional strong drink on duty. The incident had such a profound effect on him that he was moved 'upstairs' to a desk job where he could quietly see out the remaining years to his retirement.

Alec was present for Ted Roach's funeral in September 2004.

Lance Powell

Lance Powell
First appearance 2004x030 - Episode 210
Last appearance 2005x094 - Episode 367
Portrayed by Ofo Uhiara
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

PC Lance Powell joined the Metropolitan Police to make a difference - he grew up in a tough neighbourhood and knew first hand what effect crime has on a community - especially the black community. He immediately joined the Met.'s Christian Police Association when he went to Hendon; but didn't join the Black Police Association, which raised a couple of eyebrows amongst his colleagues.

Yvonne doesn't have a chip on her shoulder about being black and recommended that Lance got on best with a 'just get on with it' attitude. Others, on the other hand sided with Lance when they started to perceive what they saw as bullying behaviour towards the young recruit from Supt. Okaro. This initially made Lance feel uncomfortable but he was always one who saw the best in people so he let it wash over him.

Lance was also gay but didn't flaunt his sexuality at work - but if someone posed the question he was honest with them; he was perfectly happy with his partner Mark, a CO19 Sergeant. Lance was comfortable with his sexuality because he'd found a way of squaring it with his religious faith and cultural background, although his friends initially struggled to come to terms with his decision. He was essentially a nice, down-to-earth bloke; his calm, easy-going manner quickly won him friends and allies around the station. That was why the relief took it so badly when the news of his murder was announced, for Lance was the victim of a gay serial killer operating in Sun Hill.

Tom Proctor

Tom Proctor
First appearance 1997 - Foxed
Last appearance 2000 - Whispers
Portrayed by Gregory Donaldson
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable

Tom Proctor arrived at Sun Hill, fresh from his DC's exams. It was his first posting as a fully-fledged DC, after he had served as a trainee-investigator at Harringay. In his mid to late twenties, Proctor was keen, sharp and ambitious - and far from naive. But he was a likeable lad and, above all, an enthusiastic officer. He wanted to get the right result, but also wanted to carve out a good career for himself - and he knew from experience the advantages of cultivating links with Uniform, who could supply much of the information he needed. Daly was delighted to have a keen new DC on board who was bang up to date with the law - and this put Skase's nose right out of joint. Proctor made friends with the people he was trying to nick so that they opened to him, and showed a great deal more tact and insight in his dealings with the public than Skase ever did, which provoked a natural rivalry between the two men.

Proctor was not usually abrasive and would bide his time before passing judgement, but he occasionally clashed with officers like Carver and Lines whom he considered "dinosaurs" - and wasn't afraid to tell them so. He was quickly accepted in the department though and Deakin recognised the value of Proctor's canniness and took him under his wing.

However, it was not all plain-sailing for him. After bungling several cases in 2000, which in one case caused a car crash with two police cars which Sgt. Matt Boyden and W.P.C. Vicky Hagen were in but escaped with minor cuts. Deakin and Meadows threatened to transfer Proctor back to uniform. His last ditched attempt to redeem himself failed due to Dave Quinnan's interference and he was subsequently transferred to Isleworth CSU.

Amanda Prosser

Superintendent Amanda Prosser
First appearance Episode #336 (17/8/05)
Last appearance Episode #349 (22/9/05)
Portrayed by Serena Gordon
Occupation Police Officer
Title Superintendent

Jeff Clarke, a stressde father, took much of CID and Superintendent Prosser hostage in the CID office for not listening to him. They escape unharmed, unlike PC Dan Casper who is shot in the arm in a violent struggle to get the gun off Clarke, and the real Gabriel Kent, brother of PC Gabriel (David) Kent, who is shot and falls off the stairway, nine feet to the floor.

When DCI Jack Meadows challenges her about the shooting of PC Casper she tells him "You were not there, DCI Meadows, you are in no position to pass judgement". Suspended Inspector, Gina Gold is asked by Superintendents Prosser and Okaro to be the hostage negotiator until the proper negotiators turn up. Gina tries to contact DC Terry Perkins via a Police Radio, but Clarke catches him with a wireless microphone in his ear and ties him up, telling him about he did with the boy who had killed his son, Jake.

Sergeant Rollins of CO19 advises Prosser that they could shoot Clarke, but Prosser is concerned about the CID officers. She speaks to Okaro, and says, "Look, I know the siege is getting stronger and I know I am not the one to end it. I have already spoken to the Borough Commander and he is an agreement for you to come back. This is your station Adam, you should be back here running it."

Clarke tells Perkins that he had hit his son, and that the boy had run out into the street where he had been run over. Perkins recalls that Clarke had told of a man in Iraq who put him in the boot of a car and told him it was wired and realises that Clarke has done the same to Ashley Morgan. DS Phil Hunter and DC Zain Nadir rescue Morgan from Clarke's Peugeot 406.

On hearing on the radio that Morgan is alive, Clarke attempts to strangle Perkins and points the gun to his head. Rollins shouted to Okaro "SHOT ON", and Okaro authorises the subsequent shot.

Prosser is pictured leaving the station quietly with her suitcase and belongings as Sergeant Smith examines Clarke, in February 2006, she transferred to the Greater Manchester Police as Detective Superintendent.


General references